Description of Emotion Regulation and Attachment Patterns of Cadets at Boarding Maritime Colleges
Boarding universities require students to follow the existing rules quite strictly, starting from waking up in the morning until going back to sleep. Students who live in dormitories must immediately adjust even though it feels difficult. The demands of the new environment must be responded to wisely. Individuals who have a tough personality will be able to adapt to the demands of a new environment wisely. This research aims to look more closely at the emotional regulation of students who live in dormitories in terms of the attachment patterns they develop before becoming students and during their time as students. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, trying to explore the description of students' emotional regulation during life in the dormitory and the impacts that arise. The results of this research reveal that there are four types of attachment patterns with different self-regulation, namely secure, bound, inbound and anxious attachment patterns. The conclusion from the results of this research is that a secure attachment pattern will give rise to positive emotional regulation. Positive emotional regulation needs to be developed so that students are able to undergo education while in the dormitory with excellent mental health, are able to adapt to their social environment well, are more productive and in the future these individuals will be able to face challenges in their lives better. This research continues research expressed by Fitri (2023), namely that the stressors most often experienced by students living in dormitories are intrapersonal stressors at 62.59%. Without mature intrapersonal abilities, it will be difficult for individuals to face the unexpected and establish good relationships with other people
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