The Effect of The Implementation of Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) In Maintaining Maritime Environment Safety of Lombok Strait

  • Awel Suryadi Politeknik Ilmu pelayaran Semarang
  • Komang Artha Dewi Politeknik Ilmu pelayaran Semarang
  • Alexsandros Bosoz Rotterdam Mainport Institute, The Netherlands
Keywords: Maritime Environment, Environmental Safety, Traffic Separation Scheme


Ships must meet marine pollution prevention requirements according to applicable regulations. The government regulates the separation scheme of ship shipping traffic in the Lombok Strait with the Traffic. Separation Scheme (TSS) system as an effort to improve shipping safety and security and protection of the maritime environment in Indonesian territorial waters. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of the Traffic Separation Scheme system in maintaining the safety of the maritime environment in the Lombok Strait and the effect of the application of the Traffic Separation Scheme system in maintaining the safety of the maritime environment in the Lombok Strait. This study used a comparative descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The result of this study is the implementation of the Traffic Separation Scheme system aimed at facilitating more effective traffic management and prioritizing shipping safety and marine environment protection. All Indonesian-flagged vessels are obliged to implement these rules, foreign-flagged vessels can adjust. The implementation of the TSS system has an impact on maritime development in Indonesia. From the results of testing the research hypothesis, there is a partial positive and significant influence. The implementation of the Traffic Separation Scheme system in the Lombok Strait has helped reduce and manage Traffic.


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How to Cite
Suryadi, A., Artha Dewi , K., & Bosoz, A. (2024). The Effect of The Implementation of Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) In Maintaining Maritime Environment Safety of Lombok Strait. Dinamika Bahari, 5(1), 50-56.