Corrosion Rate Analysis of Steel Metal Material Against Seawater Intake Time at Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang
This research analyzes the corrosion rate of metal materials consisting of iron, aluminum and copper used in infrastructure materials supporting port operations at the Tanjung Emas port, Semarang, based on the time of sea air sampling. Ports as the main infrastructure in supporting sea transportation have an important and strategic role for economic growth, trade and industry. To support these activities, it is necessary to build supporting infrastructure, most of which is made of metal materials such as steel, aluminum and copper, which are very easily damaged due to corrosion, especially as the port environment is a corrosive environment due to contamination with sea air. With the problem of infrastructure damage due to corrosion, the method used in this writing is a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data in the form of literature studies and observations at the Tanjung Emas port, Semarang. From the research carried out, it is known that the sea water media that has the highest corrosion rate is sea water taken in the afternoon. It is hoped that the results of this calculation will enable maritime industry players in the port environment to predict the useful life of steel, aluminum and copper metal equipment used to support port operational activities and to estimate the age and type of maintenance that will be carried out so that it does not cause more severe damage.
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