Analysis of Occupational Safety in Terms of Interpersonal Communication and Basic Safety Training With Organizational Policy as an Intervening Variable on Training Ship Mohammad Husni (M.H) Thamrin

  • Catur Ratmoko Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran
  • Marihot Simanjuntak Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta
  • Susi Herawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta
  • Ayudhia Pangestu Gusti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Basic Safety Training, Organizational Policy, Workplace Safety


This research purpose to describe the impact of organizational policies on workplace safety aboard the Training Ship Mohammad Husni (M.H) Thamrin through basic safety and interpersonal communication training at the Maritime College in 2023. The research method employed is quantitative. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed directly to respondents as primary data, along with secondary data. Data analysis was conducted using SmartPLS version 3 for Windows. The research results indicate that the R Square (R2) values show the R2 for Organizational Policy (Y) is at 0.686, and the R2 for Work Safety (Z) is at 0.665, indicating a moderate level of effect. This suggests that the influence of interpersonal communication and basic safety training on organizational policy and workplace safety factors is 67.55%, while the influence from other variables is approximately 32.45%. The interpretation of the F Square values has three criteria categories: a value of 0.02 indicates a small effect, 0.15 indicates a moderate effect, and 0.35 indicates a large effect at the structural level. The influence of (X1) on (Y) is 0.106 (Moderate), (X2) on (Y) is 0.127 (Moderate), (X1) on (Z) is 0.561 (Strong), (X2) on (Z) is 0.504 (Strong), and (Y) on (Z) is 0.030, all of which fall into the weak category. Thus, it can be concluded that basic safety training has a more significant impact on company commitment than interpersonal communication. Additionally, organizational policies also have a direct and significant influence on workplace safety.


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How to Cite
Ratmoko, C., Simanjuntak, M., Herawati, S., & Gusti, A. P. (2024). Analysis of Occupational Safety in Terms of Interpersonal Communication and Basic Safety Training With Organizational Policy as an Intervening Variable on Training Ship Mohammad Husni (M.H) Thamrin. Dinamika Bahari, 5(1), 1-9.