Competency Test Scheme Development to Meet Competency Achievements of Graduates In Industry

  • Andi Prasetiawan Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
  • Muhammad Rizky Aditya Nugraha Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan Palembang
  • Arya Widiatmaja Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Keywords: satisfaction index, performance, HSE, graduated users, scheme template


A competency test scheme at LSP PIP Semarang needs to be developed to increase the competitiveness of graduates and job opportunities. This study aims to formulate a competency test scheme that has the potential to be developed at LSP PIP Semarang in accordance with the needs of industry, the business world, and the world of work (IDUKA) and to determine the impact of competency certificate ownership on labor absorption. Data analysis was carried out descriptively using satisfaction index, GPA, and potential competency schemes to be developed at LSP PIP Semarang. The research was conducted through an online survey involving cadets and graduated users as respondents. The results showed that LSP PIP Semarang had a good competency test service performance. It can be seen from the high achievement of satisfaction index, which is 3.74 – 3.84. Moreover, the GPA also shows the trust level of cadets in the management of competency test services, as indicated by the achievement of an index of 5.57 – 5.68. The investigation results demonstrate that the absorption rate of the PIP Semarang graduates with competency certificates is very high, ranging from 95 – 100%. Several types of competencies are of interest to cadets, which are needed in the job market but are not yet available at LSP PIP Semarang, so they have the potential to be developed, such as K3, PPJK, and logistics. This refers to cadets' interests and the job market's current needs.


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How to Cite
Prasetiawan, A., Nugraha, M. R. A., & Widiatmaja, A. (2023). Competency Test Scheme Development to Meet Competency Achievements of Graduates In Industry. Dinamika Bahari, 4(2), 26-31.